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My Humble Disagreement with Some Fashion Bloggers

And when thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothest thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold, though thou rentest thy face with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life.” -Jeremiah 4:30 Bible KJV

It’s one thing to use skin correction products to get rid of red patches or discoloration that were caused by acne or a health issue, but to cake your face with makeup? Why? It’s like saying ‘Hey God, why did you make me so ugly? I’m going to make myself look better with these beauty products.’ God clearly says in the scripture above that he is against makeup and jewelry. It also says in Leviticus 10:10, “And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean." So how are some modest fashion bloggers, or modest women in general, putting a difference between holy and unholy when we practically look the same as those who never set foot in a church?

I’m not going to sit here and say I’m never insecure, because that wouldn’t be the truth. Sometimes I wish I had longer hair and that it was wavy. It’s not. It’s a beautiful, kinky mess. And it took me awhile to accept it because it was hard to manage and I always saw my friends just wash and go. I have to do five different things to get my hair to look pretty. I learned to love my hair and truly appreciate what God has given me.

The media does agenda-setting, which tells the viewers what is important in the news. They do the same thing with selling products. The notion is, if you don’t get this now, you’re going to be behind in the style. We are all beautiful. We don't need products to hide our natural look. Truly love the skin you're in.

A video from one of our church sermons went viral a month ago about how some church women wear makeup and skin-tight clothes. If you did a side by side collage of them and a woman who was out clubbing, they would look exactly the same. I thought it was common sense that women in church and women that dress inappropriately were supposed to look different. Like if you dressed worldly one day and Sunday rolled around, you would change into your Sunday-best clothes. I don’t condone this way either, but at least the person still has a conscience.

After seeing the video, many women assumed our pastor degraded us and attacked our womanhood. Please. We are well-respected in the church, but there are obvious lines we cannot cross. One example is preaching. In 1 Timothy 2:12, it reads, "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."

Here’s the link to my Pastor teaching women and men to love themselves and to dress appropriately:

I thank God for my Pastor so much because he tells the truth regardless of how we may feel. We all have things about ourselves that aren't like Christ and it takes the word of God to tell us how to live and how to obey God. And even though Pastor's delivery may seem harsh, it is essentially tough love. He backs up his arguments with evidence from the scriptures. Just take time to read it.


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