Modest Lookbook 2018
Erica Bull. "Modesty means you have confidence and respect for yourself. You aren't trying to keep up with the latest fad or fashion. You may appear to look like the oddball amongst the common crowd, but that doesn't bother you because you are comfortable in your skin as you express your own individuality. To you that's all that matters. People from the outside can see it in the way you walk, talk, your mannerisms, and overall how you conduct yourself. And you "OWN" it!"

Dear Ladies,
You can be confident and look fantastic while still upholding modest values.
Modesty Revolution.
Shouting out to the world that modesty can be fun, fashionable and fulfilling!
-Black Rose

"Hey! What's wrong with having your body covered? Shouting out to the world that modesty can be fun, fashionable, and fulfilling!"

Esther Fitzgerald. "Modesty is dressing in an appropriate manner. It's the way we conduct ourselves. Obedience and self-respect are associated with modesty. Dressing in a way that is conservative and modest doesn't mean that you have to look bland and boring. An individual just has to find their style and be creative in a modest way. That's why I use the talents and gifts that God has given me to make clothes that represent my style. Take care of the temple God gave you. Respect yourself. Love yourself. Be obedient."

"Modesty is more than a fashion statement, it’s a daily decision to dress like the child of God you are." (From left to right) Clara, Victoria, Esther, Mariah, Naomi, and Leah.

"Growing up under the Apostles' Doctrine, and living in a cruel city of New York has not been easy. Having to look different from the world and standing out has not been easy. But as I pursue an internal and spiritual relationship with God, my mind becomes more open to Wisdom. It seems like most women wear pants in the world. So here you have a young lady as myself striving to be obedient and yet standout and not be ashamed. So thank God he allowed me to pick a style with my long skirts and head coverings that make me feel like a "star" when I walk amongst a world full of men and women who follow after the trends of the world. When I step outside, I feel a sense of pride. Not so much of the ungodly pride. But it's like "Boom!" And especially in NYC, they are not used to people dressing like us. Yes, I've been picked on, degraded, and made fun of by people of the world at a young age and even in my adult's life.
But now when I am ready to step out into the world, and dress, I try and make sure I am the first to like what I see in the mirror. I try to dress with a style that is stylish. So now I don't have to feel like an old lady in the streets. I don't behave to feel degraded by the women in the world who wear jeans and pants. I would like for women in the world when they look upon me to realize that you can look nice and standout and be different and still be obedient to God."
Tiana and Gino.
"Modesty isn't how you hide your beauty. It's how you handle it."-The Full Time Girl

Vontashia Brown."Modesty means a lot to me because it holds value in the eyes of GOD. When you take the time out of your life to focus, dedicate yourself, and obey GOD, you are not only showing who your Master is but you are also demonstrating a good work. People think of the things that they have to give up when it comes to serving GOD but obedience has always been better than sacrifice. I reflect on the time when I hated wearing dresses, let alone always covering my head, but I submitted myself to my LORD, and HIS light has reigned on my life. I give honor and thanks where it has always been due, to my LORD & Saviour, Jesus Christ. In a day like today when everything is against HIM, I stand with HIM." #HolinessInMyVeins #YesILoveTheLord #FearGOD #KeepHISCommandments #ModestyIsTheBestPolicy #FirstChurchForever

Destiny Harris. "Dressing modestly makes me feel elegant and classy. The long flowing skirts, dresses, and the head coverings remind me of the women in the 40's and 50's. I try to keep my colors and patterns pretty simple because bold things scare me a little. The main reason I love to dress modestly is because I know it pleases God, which is the most important to me."
Bev Harris. "Although I see modest apparel as a lady's outer garment, modesty isn't popular nowadays. To be honest I understand why. The media has destroyed the dress code for women of all ages. It takes a strong woman to dress presentable and covered in this day and time. When I'm out in public, I automatically get respect due to my attire. People notice you dressing different and to me, it makes them approach you cautiously. What makes it even more special is the fact that it's God's belief and it's mine too. I am not ashamed to carry myself as a lady and dress the part also!

Taeshja Fordham. "They say simplicity is beauty. Which pretty much sums up what Modesty is, no pun intended. Modesty to me is more than just your style of clothing, it goes beyond being basic. If people really understood what being modest meant, then they would agree that you can make a strong fashion statement in that style. Being modest is about bringing your innerly to the outer, expressing how you feel with what you wear without it being too loud. You can have bold colors and patterns and you can keep up with the trends without going outside the style of modest. So do you dare to be Modest?"